
Monday, 5 December 2011

Awesome week!!!!

Last week was bloody awesome!!!! on Wednesday, it was Verdi's birthday!!! I was so bored so I txted him and asked if he wanted to go a bar so we went to PlayHouse at Imax. An hour later, Tyler and Sca came to join us...and it was happy hours so it was pretty cheap. At that time, we were planning to go home cos Sca, Verdi, and Frenchy were planning to go to movie at night but somehow they decided to go to karaoke so around 7, we went to Tanpopo then home to drop stuffs off, then off we went to karaoke. I was so hungry even though I had ramen so I went to a corn dog stall and asked for a ketchup mayo corn dog. Somehow she asked me where I came from, I said Indonesia. She said I looked either Japanese or Korean...

Then on Friday, I was planning not doing anything. However, on thursday, TylerJ invited us to come and drink at his place. I was not sure whether we're going to club or not...anyway, TylerK, Sca, and I went up to K'road. Drank few beers there then decided to go to viaduct...

I was laughing cos T.J said "is the picture blurry or my eyes that are blurry?!?!"
the Ts.
I wanna make a post out Saturday night but I am still waiting for the photos to be uploaded.

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