
Wednesday, 28 December 2011

Christmas Haul part 1

My parcel was supposed to come last week but unfortunately, I was out when the FedEx guy came so I had to wait til Wednesday cos Monday was Boxing Day and yesterday was still public holiday.

This morning, I waited impatiently. I wanted to take shower but I thought what if the guy came while I was in the shower...

Anyway, it's finally here!!!!

I bought these items from PinkyParadise. I am very impressed with their service. It was wrapped nicely to prevent any broken items...but the contact lenses itself were double-wrapped.

So here are the items that I'd bought.

Super Nudy
Hanabi Violet

I also got freebies!!!!

I've still got Christmas Haul part 2 and 3...I am just waiting for the items to arrive in Auckland. I really can't wait to try these on!!!!!!

Honestly though, when I bought these items from PinkyParadise, I wanted to get some diamond lashes but then the boys were going to Japan so I thought it would be cheaper to buy it from Japan. Besides, I can't spend so much otherwise Ken'ichi will growl at me if I spend more money on cosmetics.

PS. Sorry for bad quality pictures. The lumix camera was taken to Japan...hopefully I can start using it again the lumix from 1 January!!

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