
Sunday, 1 January 2012

Wish y'all a Happy New Year!!

Happy New Year!!!

Unfortunately, I had to turn down 2 big parties last night. A friend asked me to go to Matakana to celebrate N.Y but I am bloody broke =( and Sca asked me to go to Sanctuary. At first, I said I would go but apparently, thanks to the allergic reaction, I had to stay at home =(

I dyed my hair 3 days ago and on the next day, my scalp was itchy and numb. I had the same reaction when I dyed my hair with Schwarzkopf Essential Color but it was gone within a day so I expected it would be like that as well, even though I used Schwarzkopf Perfect Mousse. Sadly, after 2 days, the numbness got worse. My scalp was so red.. It is still a bit red but I think it is much better than yesterday.

So I ended up spending N.Y.E watching Secret

Anyway, futagochan will arrive today around 12.35pm from excited to see them!!!!!

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