
Friday, 20 January 2012

January Haul

I was gonna order stuff from sasa but then I realised my parents were in Malaysia and they were gonna send out some stuff to NZ so I asked them to get some stuff from sasa for me, hehehe...

BB Creams~~~
Pore Putty BB Cream

Kiss me BB Cream
I have been wanting to try BB cream for awhile now so I asked my mum to get BB cream for me. She, then, called me to say Pore Putty BB Cream was so small and asked me if I wanted to get another one so I asked for Kiss me BB Cream xp

I never have enough of eyeshadows. I wanna get more..and moree..and moreeeee... Initially, I didn't ask for eyeshadow but then mum called and asked if I wanted to get some eyeshadows. I told her I wanted to get blue and green so she chose these items for me.

Kate Wide Eyeshadow - BU1
Majolica Majorca Jeweling Eyes
After I received the items, I realised that I was disappointed with Kate cos the eyeshadow that I bought was not pigmented enough. The colours barely come out but I will give this a try and hopefully I won't be disappointed. I can't say much about Jeweling eyes cos I've never tried it before...

Dolly Wink Eyelash Fix
I was in need of new falsies glue. I asked my mum to ask the S.A for D.U.P eyelash fix (clear) but she couldn't understand what I was saying so I asked her to put the S.A on the phone. The S.A said she didn't have D.U.P eyelash fix so I asked her if she sold any clear falsies glue and she recommended dolly wink so I thought I would give it a try.

Revlon PhotoReady Foundation - 005 Natural Beige
I am running out of foundation so I checked skatestuff on trademe and decided to get photoready foundation.

Anyway, I should stop spending...cos I am still jobless but then Ken'ichi is going to order stuff from Japan.....I wanna put a bit of this and that but I am still not sure...I need to save money (T.T)

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