
Tuesday, 30 August 2011

A hell of a good night.

So last week we went to Primo. Before that, we were drinking at Sca's apartment. Honestly thought, I was planning in joining them but DH had been a jerk for the last few days so I thought, "I'm not gonna stay at home being scolded and nagged all the time"

Anyway, we had so much fun. Some of us were gone...Some of us were half gone...

Pre-party photo


Sca's scalp. LOL

New couple xD
Smooch smooch smooch
I think I will tell you a story. LOL. Sca and her bf have just recently started to go out and they were smooching whole night. I told my friend, "DAMN!!!I ENVY HER!!! I've got no one to smooch" so when they smooched, my friend told me not to look at them...cos apparently he was jealous as well.MUAHAHAHAHA.

Tyler was hiding...
Now you can see Tyler.. but OMG!!! Look at his hands! ROFL

I was sitting down to rest my feet. Mind you, I was wearing almost 10cm wedges and this guy dragged me to the dance floor again so I took my shoes off and started dancing non stop.

Last drink of the night
Well, it was some of us last drink of the night. Some of us had another round of wine. We were all tired but hungry so we went to burger king to grab something to eat.

PS. DH knew where I went. I guess I am lucky to have an open minded husband. He doesn't mind at all if I go to a club and come home in the morning. Well, we need our social life and we take turn. Last week, he went out with his friend and the next day, I went out with my friends. This week, he's off to Kaitaia with his friends for 2 days and I'll go out with my friends on Saturday but futagochan are still our priority.

all photos credit: Meru and I AM 

Sunday, 21 August 2011


Went to city with Sca and we ended up chilling out at her apartment.

Saturday, 20 August 2011

Eyemazing 501 Doll Eye Series

I am sure all gyarus are familiar with eyemazing. I've got eyemazing 501 DOLL EYE series. When I told DH I wanted to buy it, he didn't let me put it into the cart cos he said the lashes looked green.

I have been looking for this type of falsies and when I saw eyemazing 501, I knew I had to get my hand on it.

If you love to have dramatic and glamorous eyes, this lashes are must have items. I love the length. If I had to choose between Dolly Wink and this Eyemazing 501, I would choose Eyemazing 501. Why?? Because it give me the dramatic and glamorous look I want. With Dolly wink, when I take picture, my falsies look like thick eyeliner, I may need to get electric lashes curler so that my Dolly Wink can be seen in the picture.

This eyemazing 501, it looks extremely long in person but in the pictures, it looks okay. It's pretty cheap as well compared to Dolly Wink. With the same price (1260円), you get 3 pairs instead of 2 like Dolly Wink.

I think it might be a bit too hard to find it outside Japan. I think I have only seen Eyemazing 001-003 in NZ.

with and without. See the difference??
without blusher, lipstick etc

I had the flash on automatic so some pictures might be a bit darker cos the flash wasn't flashing.

Sunday, 14 August 2011


After 3 weeks waiting, I, finally, got my haircut done!!! I booked an appointment at poco a poco on K'road last week. Unfortunately, I was late =(

Anyway, my hairstylist was Masa. My friend told me he's really good. I think he was kinda surprise to see the condition of my hair. Damaged from perm and constant bleaching. He decided to cut off the end of it. He didn't cut much but I still had to pay $50. Anyway, I totally love the result. I'll just post pictures cos I don't have much time.

Right after I got out of the salon
Too bad it was too windy today =(((

Few hours later

I was in hurry so my make up was kinda messy. I did it at Sca's place and they were waiting for me to finish my make up so we could go for lunch.

However, when I got home, DH was not happy with my make up. He said it's a bit tooo much =( Oh well.

Oh, great news!!! Sca just moved in to the apartment behind the apartment where I am living at the moment.

Saturday, 13 August 2011

Quick update

I have been busy with assignments and practicum etc. I barely even have time to play with my cosmetics. So basically every day, I go to the preschool until 3ish, then go to pick futagochan up from their daycare, go home, cook dinner, eat dinner, bath futagochan, get them to go to bed. By the time I put them to bed, I usually am tired and I end up falling asleep.

Anyway, I ordered Eyemazing and Jewerich from DH was gonna order some stuff from amazon so I asked if I could chuck some stuffs into the cart. Wanted to buy diamond lashes but there was an additional shipping cost. So the falsies were sent to home in Japan then MIL sent it to NZ. She even put lots of lollies for futagochan.

Jewerich no 1 and Eyemazing no 501
 It wasn't that expensive. I (ehm, DH) paid Jewerich for 980円 and Eyemazing for 1260円. Dolly wink also costs 1260円 but for Eyemazing, you get 3 pairs instead of 2. I love the design. Can't wait to try it <3<3<3

Sunday, 7 August 2011

You look so different!

That's what DH tells me everytime I remove my make up...

I've decided to show my bare face...I have dark circles, acne, etc...

after eyeshadow and eyeliner
Here comes my favorite part!!
dolly wink no.2
see the length!!! I LOVE IT!!!
after bronzer, blusher, and lipstick

Apparently, when I finished camwhoring, I realised the flash was off cos I didn't put it in the right way *bang my head!!!!*

I have been postponing my plan to get my haircut done but finally I have made an appt to get it done on Sunday at 2 in a Japanese hair salon. I wanna perm my hair but it's so expensive...about NZ$200ish =(

I am off to bed now. Hopefully will get better tomorrow.