
Sunday, 7 August 2011

You look so different!

That's what DH tells me everytime I remove my make up...

I've decided to show my bare face...I have dark circles, acne, etc...

after eyeshadow and eyeliner
Here comes my favorite part!!
dolly wink no.2
see the length!!! I LOVE IT!!!
after bronzer, blusher, and lipstick

Apparently, when I finished camwhoring, I realised the flash was off cos I didn't put it in the right way *bang my head!!!!*

I have been postponing my plan to get my haircut done but finally I have made an appt to get it done on Sunday at 2 in a Japanese hair salon. I wanna perm my hair but it's so expensive...about NZ$200ish =(

I am off to bed now. Hopefully will get better tomorrow.



    i love the second last picture the most! omg your skin is really nice mama T_T

  2. Thanks for your comment! I think everyone looks different without make up, except you do a nude make up. lol 8D

  3. Hi you look gorgeous with or w/o make up, btw nice blog ^_^

  4. @stella: thanks <3 if only I don't have acne and freckles...I am still in love with your cheek bones.LOL

    @cominica: I love nude make up so that falsies are more noticeable xD

    @life of dee: thanks <3
