
Saturday, 13 August 2011

Quick update

I have been busy with assignments and practicum etc. I barely even have time to play with my cosmetics. So basically every day, I go to the preschool until 3ish, then go to pick futagochan up from their daycare, go home, cook dinner, eat dinner, bath futagochan, get them to go to bed. By the time I put them to bed, I usually am tired and I end up falling asleep.

Anyway, I ordered Eyemazing and Jewerich from DH was gonna order some stuff from amazon so I asked if I could chuck some stuffs into the cart. Wanted to buy diamond lashes but there was an additional shipping cost. So the falsies were sent to home in Japan then MIL sent it to NZ. She even put lots of lollies for futagochan.

Jewerich no 1 and Eyemazing no 501
 It wasn't that expensive. I (ehm, DH) paid Jewerich for 980円 and Eyemazing for 1260円. Dolly wink also costs 1260円 but for Eyemazing, you get 3 pairs instead of 2. I love the design. Can't wait to try it <3<3<3


  1. Remind me to get it for you when I'm in Japan. Hopefully I'll go there this dec xD
