
Wednesday, 28 December 2011

Christmas Haul part 1

My parcel was supposed to come last week but unfortunately, I was out when the FedEx guy came so I had to wait til Wednesday cos Monday was Boxing Day and yesterday was still public holiday.

This morning, I waited impatiently. I wanted to take shower but I thought what if the guy came while I was in the shower...

Anyway, it's finally here!!!!

I bought these items from PinkyParadise. I am very impressed with their service. It was wrapped nicely to prevent any broken items...but the contact lenses itself were double-wrapped.

So here are the items that I'd bought.

Super Nudy
Hanabi Violet

I also got freebies!!!!

I've still got Christmas Haul part 2 and 3...I am just waiting for the items to arrive in Auckland. I really can't wait to try these on!!!!!!

Honestly though, when I bought these items from PinkyParadise, I wanted to get some diamond lashes but then the boys were going to Japan so I thought it would be cheaper to buy it from Japan. Besides, I can't spend so much otherwise Ken'ichi will growl at me if I spend more money on cosmetics.

PS. Sorry for bad quality pictures. The lumix camera was taken to Japan...hopefully I can start using it again the lumix from 1 January!!

Merry Christmas from down under!!!

Merry Christmas 2011!!!!

I know it is late but hey, it's better late than never xp

Anyway, this year is officially my last year of studying!!! was so excited and nervous at the same time. I got a bit of problem with visa and uni and was so scared that I wouldn't be able to graduate cos of it but few days ago, I got a card to call so I went to the post office on Custom St. Apparently, I got a huge as parcel, it was flat. I checked the sender, Tony Sayer...then I thought, hmm...that name's quite I opened it and taaadaaa.....

After 4-5 years of studying with babies and study-break in between. oh boy, I am glad to see this!!!

Now, it is just a matter of finding a job..

Futago'chan are in Japan...enjoying Christmas in Japanese way and will be back on New Year. For knowing the kind of person I am, I won't miss this chance to ask Ken'ichi to get me mezaik fiber, diamond lashes princess eye, eyemazing 202, eyemazing 201, eyemazing 502, K-palette eyeliner and eyebrow....I still wanna ask him to get me eyematsuge but he complained that it's expensive as he already had spent a lot to get me some

I've also ordered Candy magic King size gray from gal no lover(which takes ageeeeessssss. I haven't even got it until now) and Barbie eye super nudy pink and Hanabi Violet from pinkyparadise....

I've ordered Candy Magic King size gray since Nov 23. I asked Stellalee how long it took her to get it, she said around 2 weeks so I thought, hmm...I'd wait then..but after 2 weeks, I was getting a bit impatient and she told me to email the owner. Apparently the owner said it's pre-ordered and she would have it by this week. Stellalee told me to lodge a complain but I couldn't be bothered...I just wanna get my

Anyway, I am off now...leaving you with my after-Christmas eve dinner picture..

Monday, 5 December 2011

Awesome week!!!!

Last week was bloody awesome!!!! on Wednesday, it was Verdi's birthday!!! I was so bored so I txted him and asked if he wanted to go a bar so we went to PlayHouse at Imax. An hour later, Tyler and Sca came to join us...and it was happy hours so it was pretty cheap. At that time, we were planning to go home cos Sca, Verdi, and Frenchy were planning to go to movie at night but somehow they decided to go to karaoke so around 7, we went to Tanpopo then home to drop stuffs off, then off we went to karaoke. I was so hungry even though I had ramen so I went to a corn dog stall and asked for a ketchup mayo corn dog. Somehow she asked me where I came from, I said Indonesia. She said I looked either Japanese or Korean...

Then on Friday, I was planning not doing anything. However, on thursday, TylerJ invited us to come and drink at his place. I was not sure whether we're going to club or not...anyway, TylerK, Sca, and I went up to K'road. Drank few beers there then decided to go to viaduct...

I was laughing cos T.J said "is the picture blurry or my eyes that are blurry?!?!"
the Ts.
I wanna make a post out Saturday night but I am still waiting for the photos to be uploaded.

Thursday, 24 November 2011

D.U.P Eyelashes Fixer EX

I went to a Japanese cosmetic store and decided to buy this eyelashes fixer. I can't remember the price but I can tell you it is the best buy so far!!!!

I bought the clear version and was so surprised when I opened it. The liquid is not clear, it is blueish. You apply it on your falsies, leave it for few seconds then it becomes tacky.

just applied the glue

few minutes after applying the glue
I used to bring my glue all the time in case I had to reapply it but with this glue, it basically stays on for ageessss so I never bring falsies glue with me all the time like I used to.

It is really recommended..I will buy it again once I use this once all up.

Btw, I just bought a pair of candy magic king gray...Hopefully it'll be here soon!!!

I am back!!!

Sorry for m.i.a for blimmin ages..was so busy with practicum, assignments, the boys, etc..normal daily routine...

I am back with good news!!!!

I passed my papers!!! so it means I am graduating.phew!! It's a long journey but it's worth it!!!

Things that happened while I was away...

Excuse the rubbish but it was the final of RWC and AB won!!!
and party!!!!!

I am still excited!! I can't believe my long journey of study is finally over!!!!!!!! time to look for a job!!

Sunday, 2 October 2011

An affair with soul sista.

*I am stealing Sca's title*

Have been M.I.A for a while..sorry >,<
Lots of thing have been goin on in my life..some are good..some are bad..well, that's life.
Anyway, thank God I have Sca we spend lots of time together..talking, eating, going for a cup of coffee etc.

Anyway, here are some pictures of us.

I am so glad that my 2 bestest friends are the least judgmental people.. That's exactly what I need. I don't need nosey people... Let alone judgmental people cos my life is already complicated as it is.

Anywaaayy, I have bought DUP falsies fixer, and is given dolly wink long mascara, dolly wink eyelashes no 1, eyemazing no 501, and also jewerich no. 4. So far, my DUP falsies glue is the best buy!! I am gonna do a post bout it later. I dyed my hair, my birthday has passed (it was awesome btw!!). I really need to be back into blogging mood.

Auckland weather has been lovely for these couple of days so I put on make up pretty much everyday.

Oh, I was so pissed last night. We were gonna go to some clubs in town but my passport is in immigration. So I brought my gaijin card. The 1st club, I could get into. The bouncer only asked me to show my date of birth. The 2nd club, the bouncers were deciding whether they could let me in or not. Sca told them that I am blimmin 23!! But they said I looked like underage! 1 of the bouncer said "she's cute!!!" but still they didn't let me in. The 3rd club, I couldn't even get in. I gave up so I took a walk and decided to go home. Seriously, I wish I look old enough to go to a club without being asked for ID. Do I look underage???

Tuesday, 30 August 2011

A hell of a good night.

So last week we went to Primo. Before that, we were drinking at Sca's apartment. Honestly thought, I was planning in joining them but DH had been a jerk for the last few days so I thought, "I'm not gonna stay at home being scolded and nagged all the time"

Anyway, we had so much fun. Some of us were gone...Some of us were half gone...

Pre-party photo


Sca's scalp. LOL

New couple xD
Smooch smooch smooch
I think I will tell you a story. LOL. Sca and her bf have just recently started to go out and they were smooching whole night. I told my friend, "DAMN!!!I ENVY HER!!! I've got no one to smooch" so when they smooched, my friend told me not to look at them...cos apparently he was jealous as well.MUAHAHAHAHA.

Tyler was hiding...
Now you can see Tyler.. but OMG!!! Look at his hands! ROFL

I was sitting down to rest my feet. Mind you, I was wearing almost 10cm wedges and this guy dragged me to the dance floor again so I took my shoes off and started dancing non stop.

Last drink of the night
Well, it was some of us last drink of the night. Some of us had another round of wine. We were all tired but hungry so we went to burger king to grab something to eat.

PS. DH knew where I went. I guess I am lucky to have an open minded husband. He doesn't mind at all if I go to a club and come home in the morning. Well, we need our social life and we take turn. Last week, he went out with his friend and the next day, I went out with my friends. This week, he's off to Kaitaia with his friends for 2 days and I'll go out with my friends on Saturday but futagochan are still our priority.

all photos credit: Meru and I AM 

Sunday, 21 August 2011


Went to city with Sca and we ended up chilling out at her apartment.