
Wednesday, 14 March 2012

to the kitchen....

I don't know why but these days, I am not keen in socialising so most of the time, I just stay at home, reading, cooking, baking, looking for a job. Sadly, I still haven't got a job yet (T.T) hopefully I can get a job soon.

Anyway, because I barely socialise with other people, I barely use make up. I haven't touched my make up tools for....ages.....but I play with my mixer and stove a lot...

So far, I've made...

Banana Loaf
Anpanman dinner for futagochan
I am thinking to make roll cake but a bit busy at the moment...

Oh, yesterday, I played with my make up....
I was thinking to cut my fringe but decided to let it grow a bit more.

Thursday, 16 February 2012


I've been busy cooking and baking lately. I love to cook and bake but it's kinda pain in the neck to wash all the dishes.

Futagochan are back in daycare so I have free time during the day.

Auckland view from Devonport
with my always-gorgeous-girl Mariska
Make up for Valentine (though I didn't do anything)
Grabaseat was having deal for Auckland-Tokyo for around $800. I'd love to go but I was stuck with visa. Seems I gotta reapply my visa so that I can go to Japan anytime.

For now, I'll continue my job hunting.

Cupcakes from The Cupcake Tree

I had bought 2 vouchers of 6 pcs of cupcake from The Cupcake Tree. I decided to redeem it few weeks ago. I was a bit confused with the location. It said it's located at the Queen Street Market, 239 Queen Street, next to Smith and Caughey. As far as I remembered, MidCity's located next to Smith and Caughey but the I was thinking, what the heck, just go inside and find The Cupcake Tree. Apparently it's located on the 3rd floor. I didn't even know they made 3rd floor..

Anyway, the owner is super friendly!!! He even recommended macarons but I had already got a dozen of cupcakes.

Top: Lemon Meringue, Red Velvet, Catch of the Day
Bottom: Cookies and Cream, French Vanilla, Ginger Kisses
Top: Ginger Kisses, French Vanilla, Red Velvet
Bottom: Peppermint Twist, Lemon Meringue, Cookies and Cream
I only tried ginger kisses but oh my, it's like orgasm in your mouth!!!!

Seriously, it's worth to try. It's perfect for morning/afternoon tea with a cuppa...or even as dessert.

I gave it to futagochan as dessert. Told them the almighty "finish up your dinner and you can have dessert!!!" It worked!!!Futagochan love it too!!!! They keep saying "oiiiissshhhiii"

I'm still thinking to go back there and try the macarons but I haven't had the time yet but if you're nearby, please drop by and try their cupcakes.hehehe

The Cupcake Tree
Queen Street Market
239 Queen St

Lemon Cupcake Recipe

For valentine, I was thinking to make chocolate but it didn't turn out as I expected. My hands were itching to make something and I was asked to make lemon cupcake so I thought, why not????? I used the almighty google and chose a simple recipe.

Here it goes.

Lemon Cupcakes

Lemon Cupcake Recipe

  • 100 g butter
  • 100 g caster sugar
  • 100 g all purpose flour
  • 2 eggs
  • 1/2 tsp baking powder
  • 1 lemon, finely grated zest of
  • Preheat oven to 180 degrees
  • Using an electric whisk, beat the butter, sugar, 1/2 lemon zest until very light and fluffy.
  • Add the flour and baking powder then add eggs one at a time, make sure you beat one egg well before adding the next egg into the batter.
  • Put the batter into cupcake pan (around 2/3 each pan)
  • Bake in the oven for 10-20 minutes until it's cooked.
A few days after I made the lemon cupcakes, I was thinking to make chocolate cupcake but I was asked again to make the lemon cupcakes. In the middle of mixing the dough, I said I had all ingredients to make chocolate cupcakes, so I decided to make chocolate cupcake by putting 1/3 cup of chocolate powder instead of putting lemon, 3 eggs instead of 2, and also 2 tbs of milk. It turned out great. It was yummy!!!!!

Chocolate Cupcakes

Friday, 20 January 2012

January Haul

I was gonna order stuff from sasa but then I realised my parents were in Malaysia and they were gonna send out some stuff to NZ so I asked them to get some stuff from sasa for me, hehehe...

BB Creams~~~
Pore Putty BB Cream

Kiss me BB Cream
I have been wanting to try BB cream for awhile now so I asked my mum to get BB cream for me. She, then, called me to say Pore Putty BB Cream was so small and asked me if I wanted to get another one so I asked for Kiss me BB Cream xp

I never have enough of eyeshadows. I wanna get more..and moree..and moreeeee... Initially, I didn't ask for eyeshadow but then mum called and asked if I wanted to get some eyeshadows. I told her I wanted to get blue and green so she chose these items for me.

Kate Wide Eyeshadow - BU1
Majolica Majorca Jeweling Eyes
After I received the items, I realised that I was disappointed with Kate cos the eyeshadow that I bought was not pigmented enough. The colours barely come out but I will give this a try and hopefully I won't be disappointed. I can't say much about Jeweling eyes cos I've never tried it before...

Dolly Wink Eyelash Fix
I was in need of new falsies glue. I asked my mum to ask the S.A for D.U.P eyelash fix (clear) but she couldn't understand what I was saying so I asked her to put the S.A on the phone. The S.A said she didn't have D.U.P eyelash fix so I asked her if she sold any clear falsies glue and she recommended dolly wink so I thought I would give it a try.

Revlon PhotoReady Foundation - 005 Natural Beige
I am running out of foundation so I checked skatestuff on trademe and decided to get photoready foundation.

Anyway, I should stop spending...cos I am still jobless but then Ken'ichi is going to order stuff from Japan.....I wanna put a bit of this and that but I am still not sure...I need to save money (T.T)

An affair with soul sister (2)

Last weekend, I spent most of my time with Sca, having girls talk, the long 9 yards. It was fun as usual...Here are the pics xD

Man, she's getting darker..btw, I am having sunburn at the moment. I have been spending my days out of home, taking futagochan to the park and just sanpo with them. My arms and legs are getting darker..I really need a good sunblock with super high SPF...

Wednesday, 11 January 2012

Vassen - Hanabi Violet

I was thinking to get another pair of circle lenses (I ended up getting 3 pairs!!!!!)

Anyway, I checked PinkyParadise for circle lenses and I came across Hanabi Violet (manufactured by Vassen). I was thinking to give it a try so I bought it.

Honestly, it is the most comfortable lenses I've ever worn!!!!! It's so thin that I didn't even realise I was wearing it.

Diameter: 14.5 mm
Water Content: 42%
Base Curve: 8.6 mm

Indoor - without flash

Indoor - with flash

Outdoor - without flash

outdoor - with flash

Anyway, it seems like we're not getting summer here in NZ. I miss the sun!! I wanna take futagochan out for a walk but then it's always raining. I really really....really miss summer.

Monday, 2 January 2012

Christmas Haul pt 2

So basically I ordered these items before Christmas but I'd to wait til the boys're back from Japan.

I am so excited to get these items and really...really can't wait to try it.

These items were purchased from cos Ken'ichi didn't have time to go around and look for it one by one. At first, I just gave all the links to Ken'ichi so he had idea what to get but he ended up getting it from Amazon.

AB Mezaik Fiber 120 pcs 
 Actually I'd been thinking to get it for a while but I was a bit reluctant cos it's pretty pricey but I put it in the cart anyway. I didn't know that he was gonna get it from amazon so I thought, "even though I show it to him, I don't think he's gonna get it." Ken'ichi ended up buying all items that I had put in Amazon cart so I am so happy to get it and really can't wait to try it as I hear pros and cons about this product. I bought it for 2060円

K-Palette Eyeliner - Super Black
 At first, I wanted to get the limited edition but I couldn't find it. I have heard a lot about this product. I wanted to get dolly wink eyeliner too but I didn't see the point of having 2 similiar type of eyeliners. I bought it for 1133円.

The rests are just falsies.. I can never have enough of
Diamond Lash - Princess eyes (bottom lashes) - 926円
Eyemazing 201 and 202 (bottom lashes) - 1,249円 each

Eyemazing 502 - 1,041円
I was checking my falsies collections last night and I realised I've spent over 12,000only for falsies..oops.

Sunday, 1 January 2012

Wish y'all a Happy New Year!!

Happy New Year!!!

Unfortunately, I had to turn down 2 big parties last night. A friend asked me to go to Matakana to celebrate N.Y but I am bloody broke =( and Sca asked me to go to Sanctuary. At first, I said I would go but apparently, thanks to the allergic reaction, I had to stay at home =(

I dyed my hair 3 days ago and on the next day, my scalp was itchy and numb. I had the same reaction when I dyed my hair with Schwarzkopf Essential Color but it was gone within a day so I expected it would be like that as well, even though I used Schwarzkopf Perfect Mousse. Sadly, after 2 days, the numbness got worse. My scalp was so red.. It is still a bit red but I think it is much better than yesterday.

So I ended up spending N.Y.E watching Secret

Anyway, futagochan will arrive today around 12.35pm from excited to see them!!!!!